Sticky Posts

373 words 1 mins.

check your node version by running this command lnode -v install the node version you want, for example your current version is node 14, and you'd like to install node version 12 brew install node@12 unlink your current version node@14 brew unlink node@14 link the old version - node@12 brew...


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1.4k words 1 mins.

# Desscription There were some issues after I had update jsonwebtoken to v9.0.0 # Problem 1 If you  import * as jwt from "jsonwebtoken" , then you can't call  jwt.decode . It works fine if you use a default import though ( import jwt from "jsonwebtoken"...
3.9k words 4 mins.

@Configurationpublic class RestTemplateConfig { //private static final LoggerLOGGER logger = XXXX 自己定義一個 private static final intCONNECT_TIMEOUT= 10 * 1000; private static final intREQUEST_TIMEOUT= 30 * 1000; private static final intSOCKET_TIMEOUT= 60 * 1000; private static final...
257 words 1 mins.

在開發的時候遇到好多次 resource 被 blocked 掉的問題,很多時候都是因為沒有把 resource 加入在 "Content Security Policy" 的 config 裡面。 Inspect 的時候可以看到會出現類似下圖的 Error 只要在 config 裡的 Content Security Policy 的 directive "script-src"...